You’ve probably been wondering why on earth our Playlist has suddenly become a platform for all things “Anchorman.” Great question. Turns out this Friday will be our second installment of Frederick Playlist Presents … . In conjunction with the Downtown Frederick Partnership, we are going to provide some music (or musac, depending on when you were born) before the big screen is inflated, the lights (read: sun) go down, and “Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy” is projected into the downtown sky as part of the organization’s Movie Night On The Creek. The music (or musac) scheduled to illuminate the air? You’ve got it: Our good friends The Knolly Moles. The sounds are set to kick off at about 7 p.m. and they’ll go for about an hour or two, until the zany Will Ferrell takes things over. You officially have 105 hours to adjust your Friday accordingly. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Photo Of The Day: The Knolly Moles
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