Tomorrow is Wednesday. What do you have going on? Here’s an idea: Why don’t you head over to Cafe Nola to see Austin, Texas’ Tinnarose? They’ve played with Heavy Lights before, and they are, as the kids say, awesome. Or, as a colleague over at PopMatters put it, “‘Tinnarose’ is a singer-songwriter showcase of the highest order.” Need we say more?
Videos & Photos
Hey, do you know about the First Thursdays concert series that the great WTMD is putting on down in Baltimore? Because you should. This year’s slate kicked off last Thursday with Kopecky, Marah and Strand Of Oaks, and our dear friend Cassandra Mullinix was right there, in on the action. Thus, this photo. You can find out more about the series here, and if you get to the end of an Alive @ Five and realize you’re still hankerin’ for some music … well, this thing continues into the night hours. The weather gets warmer. The music gets louder. What’s not to love? Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Remember when we told you about how we were on the radio now, earlier this week? Well, if all goes according to plan (it never does), we’re going to have the guys in Seaknuckle drop by the studio tomorrow afternoon around 2:30. Thus, this video of them performing “Echelon Machine” at Cafe Nola (a place that, for reasons we can’t comprehend, all of a sudden hates us; so weird). Dig what’s coming through the speakers? Tune in tomorrow to hear … are you ready for it? … a brand new, super-world-premiere tune, exclusively heard on The Local Playlist! OK. That might be overselling it a bit. Still. New Seaknuckle stuff. Tomorrow. On the radio. Who’s in?
It’s May now, so let’s start focusing on all the outdoor fun you can have this summer. As we said yesterday, our new playlist (below and to the right of these words) features some of the many bands you can check out as part of this year’s Alive @ Five series on the creek, which kicks off next week. Also happening this summer? The Red Wing Roots Music Festival at Natural Chimneys Park in Mount Solon, Virginia, on July 10, 11 and 12. The Steel Wheels are the host band, so we thought we’d share this shot from them at the Weinberg’s Americana Fest a couple months ago. The event will also feature The Punch Brothers, Robert Earl Keen and much, much more. We’re thinking about making the trip. Are you? Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Isn’t Wednesday a great day for metal? Let’s hope so because tomorrow night at Cafe 611, there’s going to be some serious metal-ing. Master, who you can see in the video above, will be with Dismemberment, Solstice and Hate Storm Annihilation. Side: Hate Storm Annihilation is officially Frederick Playlist’s Band Name Of The Week. The shredding kicks off 7 p.m. You have about 33 hours to adjust your schedule accordingly. Rock. On.
Hey, did you know it’s Audrey Hepburn’s birthday today? She would have been 85 today. Anyway. Check out this photo of The Sea Life at last month’s MACRoCK. We don’t really have a food reason to be plucking this particular photo out of nowhere, but they look to be having fun, right? Right. So … well …. happy Monday! Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Today is the final day of April. Tomorrow is the first day of May. And tomorrow, Up The Chain, along with The Dawn Drapes, will be taking the Cafe Nola stage for your listening and viewing pleasure. That’s why today’s video is of Up The Chain and their official “For To Give Away” clip. Don’t forget: It’s going to be the biggest sports weekend of the year. So, why not kick it off correctly with some greater-than-great music at a greater-than-great venue? Our thoughts exactly.
It’s Wednesday. The sun is out. The temperatures are rising. It’s 10 a.m. There is only one day left of April. And, as you know well enough by now, we love us some Hello Strangers. So, check out this photo from their performance at the Opera House in Shepherdstown on Saturday. By all accounts, the show was fabulous, the Strangers were awesome, and the Opera House is still one of the great venues around. If you haven’t picked up a copy of the Strangers’ latest set, you need to get hip, friends. You’re missing out. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Boy, do we have a treat for you on this Tuesday morning. Check out a brand new video of Time Columns performing “Paper Tiger (QI)” at The Faux School earlier this month. The video comes from the night of Old Indian’s vinyl release show and while some of us may have taken a few videos on a silly smartphone that night, nothing even compares to the excellent sound and visual quality found here. If you carve out five minutes for anything today, have it be for this. Love those dudes.
With April nearly gone and May marking the unofficial official start of the festival season (kind of), we thought we’d flash back to a few weeks ago when the great Cassandra Mullinix went to MACRoCK, took some photos, and clued us in on some of the things she learned. So … how about we take a look at the above photo of Eskimeaux performing as part of the Harrisonburg, Virginia, gathering? Sounds good? Good. Only three more days of April, friends. Will May bring its usual flowers? That’s quite the question. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit