You know what Saturday is, right? It’s another installment of the Last Saturdays hip-hop night at the Church Street Pub! That’s why we thought we’d offer up this video we took a couple Last Saturdays ago of the indomitable J Berd, hippin’ and hoppin’ his way through the crowd. Doesn’t it just make you want to stand up and start spittin’? Wait. We get bonus points for the use of “spittin,'” right? Anyway, check this out and give your plans for Saturday a second thought. Unless you were already going. Because in that case … well, you get it.
Videos & Photos
Some of us have been scouring the streets of Frederick County for the last week, wandering in and out of open mics. More on that in a few weeks. In the meantime (and in between time), check out this photo, which came from the beginning of our travels at Beans In The Belfry last Thursday. It’s a little Signs Point East mixed with a little Willie & The Chaperones. Oh, the things you can learn in Brunswick on a Thursday night. Happy Hump Day, friends.
Remember, all the way back in July, when we did a Q&A with Zach Gunther, the lead singer of The Averist? We do. And Welp. They’re going to be at Cafe 611 on Saturday with Seventh Seal, Luminosity, Vitality, Operation: Death and Trihexyn. Or, at least so says Cafe 611’s website. Either way, check out this video of the band performing at Cafe 611 last year. The kids and their mosh pits, man. What it would be like to be young again. Happy Tuesday!
It’s Monday, April 20, which means one thing: We can officially start thinking about spring. Why? Who knows, but at least it’s not 55 degrees anymore. Anyway, with the warm weather and May right around the corner, we thought, “What better time to reflect on good times in the summer than right now?” Thus, this photo. Plus, we got to thinking about how awesome it was last year to hang out at those Flying Dog shows and it got us excited to see who might be on this year’s slate. And who can better embody the greatness of it all than J Roddy? Our thoughts, exactly. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
Tonight, we embark on a journey through the Frederick area’s open mics. The journey lasts a week. We will then write. And write. And write. To commemorate such an event, we thought we’d post this YouTube video of Jack Funk performing at an open mic night at The Cellar Door. Also of note: Jack Funk will be at Guido’s tomorrow night. As for tonight… well, we plan to hit up Beans In The Belfry, the Blue Moon and Bushwallers. Will you say hi? We hope so.
Remember the Weinberg’s Americana Fest? Holy cow, it seems like forever ago now. Here’s a photo from the first night of this year’s installment that profiles the great Nora Jane Struthers. Dr. Michio Kaku will be speaking there tonight … but the event is sold out, so for now, just enjoy a photo of what it’s like to actually be in the place. Besides, the Americana Fest is much cooler than listening to some doctor speak, right? Don’t answer that. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
They’ve worked with Stevie Wonder. They sang the theme song to the television show “Martin.” And now, they are about to perform at the Weinberg Center for the Arts for your viewing pleasure. Take 6 will be taking the stage on Thursday night and if you can dig some pop R&B, you can dig them. Quincy Jones loves them, they’ve won about 389,914 awards, and they’ve performed on everything from the Oscars to “Saturday Night Live.” The above video is a medley of stuff. Adjust your Thursday night accordingly.
Let’s start the week off with this photo of Kenny Tompkins at MACRoCK earlier this month. You know who Kenny Tompkins is, right? He’s in New God. And New God has a great album out. So, you should stream or purchase or bootleg or whatever you need to do in order to check it out. Why? Because your life will be better for it. A happy April 13 to all, and to all a good morning. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit
It’s a rainy, cold Thursday in the middle of April, and what do you have in mind for this evening? Heading to the Keys’ home opener? Watching a movie? Catching up on “Jane The Virgin?” Well, if none of those seem appealing, you can head to Isabella’s to see Prophets Of The Abstract Truth perform at 8 p.m. And those guys are some guys we’ve been meaning to check out for quite some time now. Plus, Isabella’s has something called Gazpacho Andaluz. And if you can pronounce that, you win a free koozie.
Today’s photo takes us back to the Americana Fest once again with this shot of The Steel Wheels performing on the first night of festivities. Hey, did you all know they grew up in Mennonite families? Their website says so. That’s interesting. Anyway, check this out and allow it to remedy the Rainy Middle Of The Week Blues that some of you might be having. We’re only two days away from the weekend, remember. And that’s got to count for something, right? Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit