Sweet D. Are you familiar with him? If not, check back later, because we have a whole slate of open mics to get to as we cap off Open Mic Week. For now, though, check out his take on a classic Beatles tune from a performance he offered last month at the Blue Sky’s open mic. He was one of our favorites, if only because he was a good sport about it all. Oh, and Happy First Mean Comment Day!
Videos & Photos
We told you yesterday that we couldn’t find an open mic for Wednesdays (which is why our post later today will be a little different from the other things we’ve had this week), so instead of posting a photo of an open mic that might go down tonight, we thought we’d offer this shot from a Thursday open mic: Bushwaller’s. The face? Brad Newman. He of Knolly Moles and Jack Funk fame. Plus, this picture is far too fun to not post.
Open Mic Week continues with this dark (but awesome) video of Andrew Bromhal, formerly of Silent Old Mtns., performing his old band’s “That Telescope Find” (but only after someone in the audience kept yelling for it … just saying) at The Cellar Door. If you’ve been out to any of the area local mics recently, chances are you’ve seen him pop up here and there to do some new tunes and a few old favorites. And if you haven’t seen him … well, consider this video a taste of what you might find if you happen to walk into any of the area’s open mics. We’ll be back later today with Tuesday’s installment of Open Mic Week. You’re excited, right? Let’s hope so.
What. You thought that just because it’s Memorial Day, we wouldn’t have things to share? Pshhhhhh. We’ve got tons to post this week and plus, don’t forget: It’s Open Mic Week! That’s right. A few weeks ago, some of us went around to various local mics in the area, and now finally, after what seems like forever, we are ready to roll out the photos, videos and absurdly long story to go with it all. We’ll be posting bits and pieces of the story all week and for those who might be interested in seeing the whole thing in print, you can also find it as the cover story in this week’s 72 Hours. But that’s still four days away. In the meantime (and in between time), check out this photo of the drummer Dave Bernet, who helped host the Cafe Nola open mic the week we visited. And why did we start with a photo of this guy? Because that dude is everywhere. No, like really: Dude. Is. Everywhere. Anyway, settle in, friends. Open Mic Week is in full effect!
We’re going to have a new review up in a few minutes, but it’s worth noting that in two weeks, we’ll be writing about the Christian Lopez Band’s 2014 EP “Pilot.” The single off that EP? You guessed it: “Will I See You Again.” This thing grows on you, man. This much we know for sure. The band also released a brand new full-length album, “Onward,” earlier this week. It’s all Christian Lopez, all the time. And that, friends, is not a bad thing.
It’s hump day. There’s milk all over I-70. The weather is a little cooler than most would prefer for this time of year. So, why not reflect back on MACRoCK from about six weeks ago with this shot of Wailin Storms … wailin’ away (sorry, we had to). If this doesn’t say, “The Week Is Halfway Done!” then we don’t know what does. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit https://www.facebook.com/bucketofrock.
You know who popped into the head this morning? Carousel Rogues. Why? Because if memory serves, we introduced them at least year’s In The Street, which was both rainy and fun. We also were hoping to get our hands on their latest record, “Seize The Day,” for review, but sadly, we never hard from those fine young people again. In any case, we thought we’d reminisce on such times by posting their video for “Better Than I Do,” which was directed by the great Jordan Miller. A Happy Tuesday to all, and to all, a good night.
It was a long, long weekend (hello, Preakness!). Yet as we were limping our way through the days, we somehow managed to come across the lineup for this year’s Hot August Music Festival. And that reminded us that … well, golly gee, we have photos from last year’s Hot August Music Festival! Thus, we thought we’d look back at this photo of Houndmouth. To learn all you need to know about this year’s slate, click here. Here’s a hint: Counting Crows are headlining. We’ll be back in a little bit with a brand new set of exclusive videos. Are you excited? We are. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit https://www.facebook.com/bucketofrock.
It’s Thursday. It’s the second week of May. What does that mean? It means Alive@Five officially kicks off tonight along Carroll Creek. The band to step up first will be The Original Booze Brothers. The festivities begin at – surprisingly enough – 5 p.m. and should run until about eight. There will be booze. Because, of course. Summer is in the air, friends. Smell it. Live it. Love it.
To get us over this hump of a day, let’s look at this photo of Shannon Roberts from Tabasco Bustelo performing at The Opera House a few weekends ago. The performance was part of a set opening for The Hello Strangers over in Shepherdstown, and clearly The Opera House is a very pretty place. And because The Opera House is over in Sheperdstown, now might be a good time to remind you that you can tune in to 89.7 WSHC every Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. to hear some local tunes rocking and rolling through the airwaves. What? You thought we weren’t going to remind you at some point this week? Pshhhtttt! Photo courtesy of Cassandra Mullinix. For more of her photos, visit https://www.facebook.com/bucketofrock.