Today’s photo is a courtesy photo, yes, and it doesn’t appear as though much is going on. But it’s Shane Gamble. And why is it Shane Gamble? Because he will be performing at 1:40 p.m. Saturday at the Going Green Block Beer & Wine Garden in the Carmack Jay parking lot as part of this year’s In The Street festival/event/traffic nightmare. As we said yesterday, we’ll be there, introducing some bands, handing out some stuff. So you should be there, listening to some bands and receiving some handed-out stuff. Right? Right.
In The Street
Well, a happy rainy Tuesday to you, too. This should brighten things up a bit: Check out Jah Works perform “Shadow” in February of 2013 in Baltimore. And then, after that brings some sunshine to your day, head on downtown this weekend to check out the band when they perform as part of In The Street during the Up The Creek Party at Carroll Creek Amphitheater. Yes, they are set to hit the stage at 5 p.m. And yes, you won’t want to miss it.
Video Of The Day: Jah Works’ ‘Shadow’ was last modified: September 9th, 2014 by contributor
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